Address Correction

  • Service Introduction

    To fulfill your needs, customers can request to change the delivery address before the shipment is successfully delivered.

  • Service Area

    Hong Kong and Macau

  • Charges (Re-delivery)

    • Re-delivery shipment to domestic SF Networks (Including SF self-operated network points, SF Locker and SFService Partner) for self-pick up: Charge exempted

    • Re-delivery shipment by domestic to-door delivery service: HKD/ MOP $10


    • Re-delivery shipment to non-local address: One-way SF Speedy Express freight charge


    • From 1 June 2024, The “SF Drop & Pick” Change of Address Service Charge will be adjusted. Please click here for details.


    Payment method:

    Paid by consignee/ Paid by third party

  • Charges (Shipment returns to the sender)

    • Parcel return by domestic shipment (Including the SF network points and to-door address): HKD/ MOP $10/ per shipment


    • Shipment returns to the sender for non-local address: One-way SF Speedy Express freight charge


    Payment Method:

    Paid by consignee / Paid by third party

  • Notice for Use

    • Customer are liable for any freight charge, duties and taxes that may incur for re-delivery / return of shipments.


    • For Terms and Conditions of Address Correction Service, please click here.


    • For Terms and Conditions of Carriage, please click here.