Launch of EF Locker Bonus Point Reward Program and SF Retention Service Surcharge
S.F. Express (H.K.) Limited wishes to thank customers for the continued support to EF Locker, a SF subordinate. As part of the efforts to help improve the operational efficiency, we announce the launch of SFHK Membership Bonus Point Reward* and Surcharge^ effective from November 16, 2020 (Monday) as follows:
SFHK Membership Bonus Point Reward*
For SFHK members picking up parcels at ‘Regular’ EF Lockers, they could gain both ‘Self-pickup Bonus Points’ and ‘Regular Locker Bonus Reward’ on SFHK APP. Customers could further gain ‘Self-Pick up Limited Time Reward’ on SFHK APP if the parcel is collected from any EF Locker within 24 hours upon the system initiating parcel collection SMS message. Please stay tuned to the announcements on SFHK official channels.
‘Hot’ Locker SF Retention Service Surcharge^
For parcel collected from ‘Hot’ EF Lockers after the first 24 hours upon the system initiating parcel collection SMS message, an accumulative fee of HK$10 will be charged for every 24-hour as a unit thereafter. All surcharges collected will be donated as charity fund, without cost deduction, to TWGH in support of its local community services.
SF Express will update the list of ‘Hot’ and ‘Regular’ EF Lockers on a regular basis. Customers are advised to stay tuned to the updated lists before and during the delivery. For details, please call our customer service hotline at (852) 2730 0273 (Hong Kong) or (853) 2873 7373 (Macau).
*Terms and Conditions apply.
^Terms and Conditions apply. Please click here for details of SF Retention Service.