SFHK SMS Content Optimization Notice2023.10.27
Starting from 1 November, SFHK will optimize the text messages sent to customers.[View Details]
(Chinese Version Only) 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司(「九巴」)宣布,與順豐速運(香港)有限公司(「順豐香港」)合作,於35個巴士總站裝設自助式智能櫃——順豐自助櫃,方便乘客於巴士站輕鬆取件,提升乘客的搭乘體驗。目前順豐自助櫃已率先安裝於如心廣場巴士總站及青衣站巴士總站,預料明年初將於35個巴士總站完成安裝;而為進一步便利乘客認領於巴士上遺漏的物件,位於巴士總站的順豐自助櫃亦成為特選地點,讓乘客領回失物。 [View Details]
Due to system issues,the airport baggage order system cannot accept PayMe as payment method.[View Details]
Notice of SF Express Fuel Surcharge2023.10.20
The Fuel Surcharge of November 2023 is 28.25%.[View Details]
SFHK will provide special delivery arrangement on the second day following the 2023 Double Ninth Festival Holidays in Hong Kong and Macau.[View Details]
Notice of Relocation and Change in Store Code of Tuen Mun Waldorf Garden SF Store (852FAL)2023.10.13
Tuen Mun Waldorf Garden SF Store (852FAL) will relocate to the new address with the new store code 852Z661 effective from 21 October 2023(Saturday) 12:00 noon.[View Details]