EC Ship Product Service Update

  • Dear Customers,

    In conjunction with the requirements for personal items at customs clearance in China, from September 6, 2021, EC Ship products entering China must follow the following directives.       

    1. The sender in Taiwan must enclose the original e-unified invoice or online proof of purchase, which will be checked upon pick-up. If unprovided, Taiwan S.F. Express will be unable to provide export service to the customer.

    (the e-unified invoice transaction must be within 1-2 months from the shipping date; the online purchase proof must show a screenshot of the online transaction (requiring either the transaction serial number, payment serial number, transaction amount, sender or recipient information)

    2.Within 5 days of the collection of the package by Taiwan S.F. Express, the sender and recipient should upload the recipient’s documents, e-unified invoice, or online purchase proof to this website. Where the package is returned due to upload failure within the required time or package declaration is inaccurately done, Taiwan S.F. Express will charge the sender 10% of the shipping fee to send the package back to Taiwan.

    (the actual return fee is determined by customer service depending on the actual payment condition of the customer).



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