Notice of the Renaming of “SF Retention Service” in Chinese - Further promote sustainable development
SFHK has always strived to promote the sustainable development of the community and fulfil our corporate social responsibility. Since the launch of the “SF Retention Service”, for example, all collected service fees have been fully allocated to various benevolent and charitable projects. To highlight the significance of the usage of “SF Retention Service” fee, its Chinese name will be officially renamed from “豐管家” to "順回益" starting from 9 June 2022, while the English name remains unchanged. The new Chinese name emphasizes the dedication of SFHK to leveraging our resources and network to support the community. In the future, SFHK will proactively engage in charitable causes through launching and participating in various kinds of sustainable development activities such as community outreach and environmental protection, to co-create a better and sustainable society with the general public and our customers.
SF Retention Service Fee is a storage and administrative service fee incurred when the collection period is overdue. To ensure quality service and efficiency, SF Retention Service Fee will be applied for late pick up at SF Business Stations, SF Stores or SF Lockers. SFHK will use a portion of the revenue generated from this fee for purposes of charitable and sustainable social development.
Terms and conditions apply, please click here for more details on SF Retention Service.
For further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2730 0273 (Hong Kong); WhatsApp (852) 5232 3333; Facebook Messenger: sfexpresshk; WeChat ID: SF_Express-HK.