SFHK SMS Content Optimization Notice

  • SFHK SMS Content Optimization Notice


    Starting from 1 November, SFHK will optimize the text messages sent to customers.


    The main changes of the text message content include:

    1. Replacing the address description with the Store Code in SF Business Station/SF Store pick-up text messages,

    2. Transferring the reminder of“SF Retention Service” from the content to the link of the pick-up text messages for customer reference,

    3. Changing the query or reassignment links in pick-up text messages to“http://x-n.sf.cn/xxxxxx” .

    Customers can use the optimized link http://x-n.sf.cn included in the text messages as an identifier to distinguish fraudulent or phishing links.


    SMS Category

    Existing content (Example)

    Optimized content (Example)

    SF Business Station/SF Store pick-up SMS

    [SF Express] SF123XXXXX arrived at Kowloon Bay, Wing Fat Industrial Building, please pick up in 2 days, click http://x-n.sf.cn/xxxxx for signing. SF Retention Service fee will be incurred if failed to pick up in time. Login SFHK APP to query or change delivery http://l.ead.me/xxxxx

    [SF Express]  click http://x-n.sf.cn/xxxxx and collect SF123xxxxx from 852XX in 2 days

    SF locker pick-up reminder

     [SF Express] Your parcel SF123XXXXX  has been delivered to SF Locker over 15 hours.Enter{{verifyCode}} to collect it ASAP.SF Retention Service fee may be incurred if failed to pick up in time. Enquiry: 27300273

    【SF Express】SF123XXXXX has been delivered to SF Locker over 15 hours, enter {{verifyCode}} to collect it ASAP to avoid SF Retention Service fee. Freight charge payable upon collection.

    Cold chain delivery pick-up reminder

    [SF Express] Cold Chain Shipment SF123XXXXX arrived at %addr_eng%, click %sign_url_short% for signing. SF Retention Service fee will be incurred or return to sender if failed to pick up in 2 days. Change delivery address http://l.ead.me/xxxxx. Enquiry: 2929 2929

    [SF Express]Cold Chain SF123XXXXX ) is available. Click http://x-n.sf.cn/xxxxx and collect from 852XX in 2days


    SFHK reiterates that mobile text messages and emails regarding parcels sent by our company will always contain the correct waybill number. If customers receive text messages or emails lacking a waybill number, they should remain vigilant. SFHK once again reminds the public not to provide personal information, passwords, or engage in transfers and remittances through unknown hyperlinks.


    If customers have any doubts about emails, text messages, or incoming calls, please immediately call our customer service hotline at (852) 2730 0273 (Hong Kong) or (853) 2873 7373 (Macau) to verify with our customer service representatives.